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The objective of the ERF scheme is to provide an opportunity to the qualified students of Ethiraj College for Women to undertake advanced study and research leading to Ph.D. degrees in sciences, arts and humanities at Ethiraj College for Women.


The candidate must have a first-class master’s degree and a first-class bachelor’s degree in the relevant subject.

The candidate should have registered for Full-Time Ph.D in Ethiraj College for Women(University of Madras).

Candidates in the second year after registration for P.hD. are eligible to apply.

The upper age limit for application of ERF is 40 years as on 31 st May of that year.

Procedure For Applying And Approval

Only qualified candidates who have registered for research degrees are eligible to apply for fellowship under the scheme.

The applications should be submitted in the prescribed format (Annexure I) and are placed before anexternal expert screening committee.

The short listed proposals after screening are placed before ECRIC (Funds Availability).

After due scrutiny, the eligible research proposals are finalized for the award of research fellowship.

The decision of ECRIC is final and binding. ECRIC also reserves the right to withdraw/cancel the selection without assigning any reason.

Nature Of Assistance Available Under Ecric Research Fellowship:

The tenure of fellowship is for years under the ERF scheme.

The financial assistance available under the scheme is as follows:

Ecric Research Fellowship:

Fellowship Rs. 4,000per month for a period of one year (June to May – Second year of Ph.D.) and Fellowship Rs. 5,000 per month for a period of one year (June to May – Third year of Ph.D.)
The amount shall be paid on monthly basis in arrears

The fellowship may be terminated at any time during the tenure, and the decision of ECRIC shall be final and binding.

Procedure For Monitoring The Progress Of The Scheme

The attendance and progress of the awardee is monitored by the concerned Research Supervisor.

The awardee is required to submit a six- monthly progress report of the work by the end of the month of December and May duly signed by the Research Supervisor, Head of Department (Annexure II).

Other Conditions

  • The fellow shall not undertake any paid assignment during the tenure of the fellowship.
  • The Fellow, with the consent of the Guide and Head of Department, may assist the college in its academic work, including tutorials, evaluation of the test papers, laboratory demonstration, supervision of fieldwork, library activities like group seminars and symposia, provided such work is not likely to hinder the research programmes on hand. The total amount of time to be spent on such activities should not exceed ten hours a week.

Cancellation Of Award

The fellowship is liable to cancellation in case of:

  • Misconduct.
  • Unsatisfactory progress of research work.
  • Failure in any of the examinations related to Ph.D
  • Candidate found ineligible later.
  • Any false information furnished by the applicant
  • Any fraudulent activity by the Fellow shall lead to Penal action against her.If the ERF is discontinued before the period of two years( Second and Third year of P.hD.), the entire amount of the fellowship will be refunded to ECRIC.


ERF is applicable from academic year June 2019 to May2020 onwards

Mini Research Project Guidelines: (Permanent Faculty & Trust Employee)
  1. Eligibility to apply: not more than two Permanent faculty or one Permanent faculty and one trust faculty with a minimum 1-year experience.
  2. Grant Amount (Humanities & Arts) – Rs.10,000 Grant Amount (Science) – Rs. 15,000
  3. Period of project – 1 year
  4. Sanction letter to be given by Principal to Individual faculty.
  5. Plagiarism check / Report from Ethiraj Library to be attached with Report
  6. Amount to be released only after submission of Project and bills to Deans of Research to be signed by Principal and forwarded to COE/Trust office.
  7. Evaluation by External subject Expert selected by COE, & Evaluation report to be given to respective Faculty.
  8. Paper publication is recommended in recognized journals as per NAAC
  9. Proposals to be submitted by 31 st May every year.


Maintanance policy

Best practices policy

Svayam – MOOC

Center for women studies









70, Ethiraj Salai, Egmore,Chennai 600008, Tamilnadu, India


[email protected]