The Ethiraj Centre for Research Innovation and Creativity(ECRIC) was initiated on 16th April, 2019 to foster research environment in the college by motivating faculty and student to undertake basic applied and interdisciplinary research leading to quality publications and emergence of innovative and creative ideas with impetus on IPR. For this purpose the Ethiraj Trust Board has allocated Rs.20 Lakhs p.a. The Research Task Force consisting of the Principal, Vice Prinicipal(VP) and Deans of Research was formed.
The Research Policy aims to foster ambient research environment, motivate faculty and students to undertake basic, applied, interdisciplinary research in physical sciences, arts and social sciences of societal relevance leading to quality publications, encourage presentations of research outcomes in reputed National / International Conferences, promote transfer of ideas/ technology and claim Intellectual Property rights with impetus for commercialization.
The research policy of the College aims to provide guidelines for research activities with following objectives
- To promote quality research at the Post graduate levels, and higher research programmes with innovation and creativity in the institution.
- To ensure due importance to original / novel ideas embedded with integrity and ethics in research
- To encourage the design of the scientific research outputs into simple working models relevant to society in terms of cost and environment.
- To nurture relevant research in the areas of social and economic issues that affect women in particular.
- To promote research consultancy and collaborations with National and International research institutions and industries.
i) By creating a conducive environment to foster research culture in the college with the provision of infrastructure, laboratory, data computing and processing tools.
ii) By the creation of an exclusive research centre called ECRIC (Ethiraj College Research, Innovation and Creativity Centre)that will provide a forum, space, facility and funding (to an extent of 25 lacs p.a) and other required resources for nurturing research.
iii) By encouraging publications in quality journals recognized by the UGC and indexed in Scopus / Web of Science and / or with a good Impact Factor.
Allocation of Funds for the promotion of quality research in the institution
I Funds for the best research projects carried out by the faculty
i) Minor Research Project (1 lac – 2 lacs)
ii) Major Research Project (2 lacs – 5 lacs)
iii) Collaborative Research Project
Industry Collaboration
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
II Funds for workshops, national and international conferences and quality publications
III Funds for technology transfer, Intellectual Property Rights / Filing of Patents
IV Recognition for outstanding research by Aided and Self-Supporting faculty members to be given separately for faculty belonging to the three disciplines of Humanities, Science and Arts (six awards per annum).
V Recognition for outstanding research Department belonging to Aided and Self-Supporting streams (two awards per annum)
VI ECRIC fellow ships to be awarded to full time Ph.D scholars who are in there second year of their Ph.D tenure.
Ethical guidelines for the conduct of quality research in the institution
Preamble: The set of guidelines aims to provide a moral code for setting higher standards in research and its adherence leads to credibility in the qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and their results/findings.
These guidelines are to be accepted as a general practice by all researchers of the institution and deviation shall be considered as Research misconduct that will be dealt with sanctions imposed by the institution.
Areas of ethical concerns in Research
1. Plagiarism/ Malpractices: It is an offence that results in the misuse of someone’s original ideas, results and findings. It is applicable to publication, citation, research proposals and grants. Preventive, Corrective and Punitive action shall be taken by the research council to bring transparency in research.
- Usage of data : There should be integrity in the acquisition, reporting and application of research data.
- Ownership of data: Research data generated by the research groups of the institution belong to the institution at any point of time as the funds/ awards/ patents received are associated with the institutional identity of the researcher. However, genuine accessibility/ sharing of the research findings shall be available to all the research groups of the institution.
- Research publication: There should be strict adherence to the publication ethics by the researchers with due regard to affiliation to the institution without conflict of interest.
- Responsibility of the research investigator: Faculty members who are principal research investigators/ mentors/ supervisors should take the responsibility of leading the group or students towards set goals in a highly intellectual and professional way.
- Responsibility towards funded projects: Faculty members who carry out institutional or Governmental funded projects should follow the ethical guidelines, submit periodical progress reports, with due importance to institutional claim on finance and patents.
The ECRIC strives to promote teaching and research in Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages, Literature, Life Science and Pure Science. The objective is to provide financial support to departmental/individual research in specialized areas to faculty members.
- The ECRIC will provide financial support to permanent teachers of Aided and Self-Supporting stream of the college.
- A working teacher can avail of only one project/ scheme of ECRIC at any given time.The next project can be accepted only after the completion of the sanctioned one.
- The Principal Investigator should publish two papers in a reputed journal in the form of the books/article/presentation in seminar etc. from the said project completed.
- The age of the Faculty member must be not be more than 55 years as on 30th May of the year of application.
- The teaching faculty of Library Science, Physical Education will also be eligible to participate in the scheme.
The maximum assistance for one research project will be from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakhs. The ECRIC Minor grant will provide financial support for items like Equipment, Books and Journals, Hiring, Services, Contingency, Chemicals and Consumables, Travel and Field work.
(a) Hiring Services
This is meant for specialized technical work, such as sample analysis, for which the College either has no infrastructure or such services are available on payment basis.
(b) Contingency
The admissible contingency grant may be utilized on spares for apparatus, photo-stat copies and microfilms, typing, stationery, postage, telephone calls, internet, fax, computation and printing needed for the project. Expenditure towards the audit fee may also be claimed under contingency head.
(c)Special Needs
Assistance may be provided for any other special requirement in connection with the project which is not covered under any other ‘Head’ of assistance under the scheme.
(d) Chemicals and Consumables
To meet expenditure on chemicals, glassware and other consumable items.
(e) Books and Journals
Books and Journals purchased must be returned to the Department Library after the completion of the project.
(f) Equipment
Equipment purchased must be returned to the Department Library after the completion of the project. A maximum of 20% of the grant can be used for Equipment.
(g) Travel and Field Work
The amount allocated under the head travel/field work is to be utilized for data collection and collection of other information such as documents and visit to libraries within the general scope and sphere of the ongoing project. This should not be used for attending conferences, seminars, workshops and training courses etc.
(h) Re-Appropriation
The Principal Investigator may re-appropriate maximum 20 per cent of the grant allocated under each head with the permission of Principal by intimating to the ECRIC with justifications.
a) Tenure and Implementation
1 1⁄2 years with 6 months extension
The effective date of implementation of the project will be mentioned in approval-cum- sanction letter.
All eligible teachers in colleges may submit their Minor Research Proposal applications by 31stMay every year in the prescribed proforma to the concerned Dean of Research, Ethiraj College for Women.
The received proposals duly forwarded by the Principal will be assessed with the help of a subject expert committee. The final decision will be taken on the basis of recommendations made by the Committee and the availability of funds under the scheme.
The first instalment of the grant shall comprise of 50% of the total Recurring grant approved by the committee for the total duration of the project. The grant will be released to the Principal of the College.
On receipt of Annual Progress Report, Statement of Expenditure and Utilization certificate of 1st instalment of grant, 40% of the total recurring grant will be released as second instalment. Remaining 10% will be released on receipt of the following completion documents as final reimbursement:
a)A Copy of the final report of project along with soft copy.
b)A consolidated item wise detailed Statement of expenditure incurred during the complete project period in the prescribed proforma duly signed and sealed by the Principal and the Principal Investigator
c)A consolidated Utilization Certificate for the amount actually utilized towards the project duly signed and sealed by the college Auditor, Principal as well as the Principal Investigator in the prescribed proforma.
d)The unutilized grant if any, may be refunded immediately through demand draft drawn in favour of The Principal, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai.
e)The Principal Investigator is expected to settle the accounts immediately on completion of the project.
a) After finalisation of the selection procedure of the Minor Research projects.The Principal and the Dean of Research and to the Ecric Committee members will send the approval/sanction letter to the selected principle investigators,who will send their acceptance letter to the Principal/Ecric Committee Member.
b) Project is not transferable in any case.
c) If a Principal Investigator fails to complete the project, she has to refund the entireamount released with interest.
Members of ECRIC Committee (2023-2024)
- Dr. P. Padmini ( Dean of Research – Aided)
- Dr. V. Malathi ( Dean of Research – Self Supporting)
- Dr. M. Menaka ( CND – Self Supporting)
- Dr. S. Sudha Parimala ( Chemistry – Aided)
70, Ethiraj Salai, Egmore,Chennai 600008, Tamilnadu, India
[email protected]
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