B.Sc Microbiology
M.Sc. Applied Microbiology
U.G 2018
P.G 2018
U.G 2021
P.G 2021
Sanctioned Strength:
UG: 50 PG : 26
Eligibility Criteria for UG:
Candidates who have passed in +2 Board exams with Physics, Chemistry and Biology / Microbiology /
Botany and Zoology may apply

Dr.(Mrs) K.Krishna Prema
Qualification: M.Sc., M.Sc., (Bioinformatics), M.Phil., Ph.D., SET., DCT.,
Designation: Associate Professor & Head Dean Of Research
Years Of Experience: UG 22 years PG years 15 years
Area Of Specialization: General Microbiology, Microbial Physiology, Microbial Genetics, Molecular Biology
Email ID: [email protected]

Dr.(Mrs) V.Gayathri
Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET.
Designation: Associate Professor
Years Of Experience: UG: 20 Years
PG:PreviousExperience: UG: 2 Years PG: 1 Years
Area Of Specialization: General Microbiology, Applied Microbiology.
Email ID: [email protected]

Dr.(Mrs) C. Ganga Baheerathi
Qualification: M.Sc.,M.Phil., Ph.D
Designation: Associate Professor
Years of Experience: UG: 17 Years 7 Months PG: 15 Years 7 Months
Previous Experience: UG: 6 Years PG: 1 Years
Area of Specialization: Environmental Microbiology, Soil and Agriculture Microbiology, General microbiology and Food Microbiology
Email ID: [email protected]

Dr.A. Subhashini
Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D., Microbiology, M.Sc., Bioinformatics
Designation: Associate Professor
Years of Experience: UG:16 years 4 months PG:14 Years 3 months
Previous Experience: UG:5 years 3 months PG: Nil
Area of Specialization: Medical Microbiology, Bioinformatics
Email ID: [email protected]

Dr.(Mrs) Anusha Balasingh
Designation: Associate Professor & Dean of Students
Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., PGDMLT
Teaching Experience: 17 years UG: 17 years PG: 15 years
Previous Experience: 6 years UG: 6 years PG: 2 years
Area of Specialization: Microbial Genetics, Immunology
Email ID: [email protected]

Dr.(Mrs) S. Nandhini
Qualification : M.Sc., Ph.D., NET
Designation : Associate Professor
Years of Experience : UG:15 years PG: 15 years
Previous Experience : UG: 1 year PG: 1 year
Area of Specialization : Industrial Microbiology, General Microbiology
Email-ID : [email protected]

Mrs. M. Linnett Naveena
Qualification : M.Sc Ph.D NET
Designation : Associate Professor
Years of Experience: UG: 15 PG: 15
Previous Experience: UG: 2 PG: 2
Area of Specialization: Soil and Agricultural Microbiology, Microbial Genetics
Email-ID : [email protected]

Dr.(Mrs). Vidhya C.V.
Designation : Associate Professor
Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET
Teaching Experience : 15 years UG : 15 years PG : 15 years
Previous Experience : 1 year UG : 1 year PG : 1 year
Area of Specialization : Medical Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular Biology
Email id : [email protected]

Dr.(Mrs). Mary Sheela J.
Qualification: M.Sc,M.Phil,Ph.D
Designation : Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: UG:14 PG: 14
Previous Experience: UG:1 PG: Nill
Area of Specilization: Virology ,Bioinformatics, Immunology
Email-ID: [email protected]

Dr.G. Sangeetha Vani
Qualification: M.Sc., M.Sc.,(Bioinformatics), M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years Of Experience: UG&PG : 14 Years
Previous Experience: UG&PG 2 years
Area Of Specialization: Mycology And Parasitology, Genetics, General Microbiology.
Email ID: [email protected]

Dr. (Mrs.) M.Reenaa
Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: UG: 11Years 5Months PG:11Years5Months
Previous Experience: UG: 6 Years PG: 5 Years
Area of Specialization: Immunology, General Microbiology and Medical Microbiology
Email-ID: [email protected]

Padmini Mary.G
Qualification: M.Sc., SET
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years of Experience: UG: 8 Years PG: 8Years
Area of Specialization: General Microbiology, Microbial genetics
Email-ID: [email protected]
Mrs.Krishna Prema K
S.No |
Name of the Author/s |
Title of the Paper |
Journal Name and details |
1. |
Madhan R., Selvakumar K., Vidhya Devi J., Krishna Prema K. and Kasturi Jayaraman |
Isolation and Identification of Essential Phytochemical Constituents of Amorphophallus campanulatus and Screening its Antimicrobial Properties, |
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 5(2): 2012. |
2. |
Krishna Prema K. and Nirmala N |
Seroprevalence of IgM And IgG antibodies against Rubella in Premarital Women. |
International journal on Applied Bioengineering, Sathyabama University 2(6):2012 |
3. |
Krishna Leena, Kalidasan Krishna Prema and Jayaraman Kasturi, |
Comparative Study on Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria Isolated from Fresh, Frozen and Processed Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon), |
Journal of Modern Biotechnology4 (2) : Jul 2013, pp 73-76. |
4. |
Krishna Prema K. and Kasturi Jayaraman |
Effect of Lactobacillussp. andSaccharomycescerevisiae on Gold fishCarassiusauratusauratus |
Indian Journal of Applied Microbiology, Indian Association of Applied Microbiologists, 2(16): Jul-Dec 2013, pp. 17-32. |
5. |
S. Lakshmi Priya and K. Krishna Prema |
Screening and Isolation of Fibrinolytic Enzymes from Bacteria using Agro-waste for Thrombolytic treatment |
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology12(4): 2019. |
Paper Presentations
S.No |
Name of the Presenter |
Organizer Details |
Date |
1. |
K.Krishna Prema |
DBT, CSIR and TNSCST sponsored “International Symposium on Environmental Risk Assessment” organized by School of Life Sciences, BharathiarUniversity, Coimbatore |
17th to 19th October 2011 |
2 |
K.Krishna Prema |
National Conference on “Marine Biodiversity for new Biotechnological Applications” organized by Department of Life Sciences, Hindustan College of Arts and Sciences, Chennai |
9th December 2011 |
3 |
K.Krishna Prema |
DBT sponsored National Symposium on 4“Application of Genomics and Proteomics in Aquaculture, Fisheries and Marine Biology” organized by Centre for Ocean Research, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai |
20th and 21st June 2018 |
4. |
K.Krishna Prema |
16thNational level conference of Indian Association of Applied Microbiologists on ‘Human Microbiome in PersonalMedicine – A Bridge between Humans & Microbes for Future Sustainability’ organized by JSS Academy of Higher Education and & Research, Mysuru |
28th and 29th September 2018. |
Resource Person in other Institutions
- In-service Training Programme conducted by Institute of Advanced Study in Education, Saidapet, Chennai on 28th November 2012.
- Centrally sponsored In-service Training Programme at by Lady Willingdon Institute Advanced Study in Education, Saidapet, Chennai on 7th December 2012.
- Workshop on Art of Thesis Writing organized by Annai Violet Arts and Science College, Chennai on 8th February 2017.
- Seminar on Opportunities in Microbiology organized by Annai Violet Arts and Science College, Chennai on 29th September 2017.
S.No |
Name of the Principal/Co Investigator |
Title of the Project |
Funding Agency |
Fund Amount |
Status |
1. |
Dr.K.Krishna Prema and Mrs. G. Sangeetha Vani |
Screening of immune status against Rubella virus in premarital women (2015-2016) |
Ethiraj College Trust |
Rs.10000/- |
Completed |
Dr.(Mrs) V.Gayathri
S.No |
Name of the Author/s |
Title of the Paper |
Journal Name and details |
1. |
V.Gayathri,C.GangaBahee rathi,K.Revathi,Sathyanara yanaSethi |
Identification of gut microflora from Green mussel,.. |
Journal of Advanced Biotechnology. pp 119-122,Vol 10,Issue 10, April 2011 |
2. |
V.Gayathriand Dr.K.Revathi |
Isolation of Vibrio sps .and other predominant bacteria from green mussels in Muthukadu, Tamilnadu.. |
Indian Journal Of Applied Microbiology pp114-119,Vol : 15,No.2 ISSN NO: 2249- 8400,July – December2012. |
3. |
V. Gayathri and Dr.K.Revathi. |
A study on the presence of heavy metal inpernaviridis( green mussel ) and water of Ennore estuary ,south east coast of India. |
International Journal Of Biotechnology ,pp : 8-14,Vol : 1Issue :1Year: 2012. |
4. |
V.Gayathriand Dr.K.Revathi. |
Occurrence of Escherichiacoli and other coliform bacteria in Green Mussels of Ennore Estuary. |
Indian Journal Of Applied And Pure Biologypp: 95-101,Vol : 28,No. 1ISSN No.:0970-2091 January 2013. |
5. |
V.Gayathriand Dr.K.Revathi. |
Water quality of Chennai backwaters. . |
Indian Journal of Biological studies and Research.pp.159- 163,Vol:2, Issue :2Year :June 2013. |
V.Gayathri and Dr.K. Revathi |
Seasonal variations of heavy metal distribution in waters and green mussel of Ennore and Royapuram .. |
Nature , Environment And Pollution Technology, Technoscienc epublications. Vol : 12 No: 3Year: 2013.ISSN NO: 0972-6268. |
6. |
J.Nasreen and V.Gayathri. |
Preparation of Antibacterial herbal Mouthwash against oral pathogens. |
International Journal of current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.Vol:5 Number 11 Year :2016) ISSN :2319-7706. |
7. |
Padmavathy and V.Gayathri. |
Microbiological Analysis of Major Sea Food Consumed in Coastal Area of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. |
International Journal of current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.Vol:6 Number 12(2017) ISSN :2319-7706, pp2689-2697 |
8. |
Aparna .M and V.Gayathri. |
Formulation of culinary plant medicine against bacterial skin infections caused by |
Journal of pure and Applied Microbiology . Vol:12 Issue |
S.No |
Name of the Presenter |
Title of the paper |
Organizer Details |
Date |
1. |
Gayathri.V, |
Bacterial contamination of Green mussel, Pernaviridis at Ennore Estuary, South east coast of India, |
AMSCO, Annamalai University. |
2010 |
2. |
Gayathri.V, |
Pathogenic bacteria and heavy metal accumulation inPernaviridis from Ennore Estuary, South East Coast of India. |
Aquatic Biotoxin 2011, Annamalai University. |
2011 |
3. |
Gayathri.V, |
A pollution assessment study and heavy metal distribution in water and green mussels(pernaviridis ) of Ennore estuary, South East Coast of India. |
Impact of climate change on Coastal Ecosystem Sathyabama University, 2011. |
2011 |
4. |
Gayathri.V, |
Indicator bacteria in green mussels from Ennore estuary and Royapuram, Tamil Nadu, |
National Conference on New Vistas in Indain Aquaculture. CIBA. |
2012 |
5. |
Gayathri.V, |
Environmental Factors influencing human pathogens . |
National Conference on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management KuvempuUniversity, Karnataka. |
2014 |
6. |
Gayathri.V, |
Preparation of a common Herbal Medicine with culinary plants for skin infections caused by Candida albicansandPropionibacterium acnes. |
National Conference on Current Trends on Conservation of Biodiversity for Food,Nutrition and Health. Prof.Dhanapalan College,Kelambakkam,Chennai,2019 |
2019 |
7. |
Gayathri.V, |
Antibacterial activity of the ink and tissue extract from octopus dollfusi against the human urinary pathogen, |
Marine natural products as pharmaceutical agents,Sathyabama University |
2019 |
S.No |
Name of the Faculty Members |
Title of the Project |
Funding Agency |
Fund Amount |
Status |
1. |
Dr.V.Gayathri |
Bioremediation Of Crude Oil In Sea Water Using Hydrocarbon Degraders With Carriers (Banana Peel,BananaStem,Gravel And Sediment) And Nutrients |
Ethiraj College Trust |
Rs.10000/- |
Completed and Published |
2. |
Dr.V.Gayathri |
Biodegradation of crude oil usingPseudomonas luteola and screening for biosurfactant production |
Ethiraj College Trust |
Rs.15000/- |
Ongoing |
Dr.(Mrs) C. Ganga Baheerathi
S.No |
Name of the Author/s |
Title of the Paper |
Journal Name and details |
1. |
Ganga Baheerathi C. and Revathi K. (2013), |
“A comparitive study on the presence Ofhalophilic Vibrios in Crassostrea madrasensis from the backwaters of Chennai coast” |
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology – Annexure ii, (An international open access journal on diverse aspects of environment), Scopus SJR = 0.156 Vol.12, No.3, pp.439-442, ISSN 0972-6268. 2013. |
2. |
Ganga Baheerathi C. and Revathi K. |
“Seasonal Variation in heavy metal accumulation in edible oyster Crassostrea madrasensis from Royapuram coastal water |
Indian Journal of Biological Studies and Research, IJBSR, Vol.2, No.2, pp.108-111,ISSN no: 2231-6922.2013 |
3. |
Ganga Baheerathi C. and Revathi K. |
Bacterial contaminants in Crassostrea madrasensis harvested from Muttukadubackwaters”. |
Indian Journal of Applied and Pure Biology, Vol.28, No.1.2013, ISSN NO: 0970-2091. |
4. |
Ganga Baheerathi C., V Gayathri , Revathi K. and Sathyanarayana sethi . |
Seasonal variation and identification of pathogenic pollution indicators from royapuram back water. |
Journal of advance bio tech, Vol- 10 Issue 10, Page no 111-114, ISSN No-0973: 0109. |
5. |
Ganga Baheerathi C. and |
Bacteriological examination of back ater |
Indian journal of applied |
Revathi K. |
from fishing harbor of ennore creek in Chennai coast- |
microbiology- Vol-15, No2 Pager 100-106, ISSN No (2012) |
S.No |
Name of the Presenter |
Title of the paper |
Organizer Details |
Date |
1. |
C.Ganga Baheerathi |
“Seasonal variations andIdentification of pathogenic pollution Indicators fromRoyapuram backwaters” |
International Conference on the Implications of Biotechnology on Biodiversity and its Conservation , M.S.Swaminathan Research foundation – Chennai and Plant Biotechnology, Ethiraj college for women(Autonomous) . |
January 27th and 28th 2011, |
2. |
C.Ganga Baheerathi |
Presence of fecal coliforms indicator bacteria inMuttukadu back waters”, |
International Conference on Impact of climate changes on coastal ecosysytem – ICC-ECO 2011. Sathyabama University and Ministry of earth sciences. |
November 10th and 11th 2011. |
3. |
C.Ganga Baheerathi |
Bacterial flora of Crassostrea madrasensis in Chennai Coast. |
International Conferences on Aquatic Microbiology (Status, Challenges and Opportunities) Centre of advanced study in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Annamalai University: |
September 2nd to 4th 2010. |
4. |
C.Ganga Baheerathi |
Bacterial flora of Crassostrea madrasensis at Ennore estuary along Tamil nadu coast of India |
International Seminar on Microbes – Elixir of Life. Dr.MGR Janaki College of Arts and Science for Women ,Chennai. |
October 28th and 29th 2010 |
5. |
C.Ganga Baheerathi |
“A comparative study on the bacterial contaminants in the edible shell fishes Perna viridis and Crassostrea madrasensis in |
National Conference on Aquatic Bio toxins. Centre of Advanced study in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences. Annamalai University |
September 14th to 16th 2011. |
Kalpakkam coast” |
6. |
C.Ganga Baheerathi |
A study on the presence of pollution indicating coli in madrasensis |
National Conference on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management, Department of Zoology Kuvempu university. |
25th and 26th March, 2014., |
7. |
C.Ganga Baheerathi |
A study on the bacterial flora of Indian backwater edible oyster, Crassostrea madrasensis from northern Chennai Coastal of the National |
Central Institute of Brackish water Aquaculture – Chennai. |
February 23rd and 24th 2012. |
8. |
C.Ganga Baheerathi |
Screening of Total heterotrophic bacteria E.coli, and Vibrio Sp. from edible oysters, water and sediments of Estuarine aquatic bodies from Chennai coast . |
National Seminar on Recent trends in Microbial Technology with reference to Extremophils.Department of Microbiology, Periyar University |
October 21st and 22nd 2010. |
9. |
C.Ganga Baheerathi |
A study on the bacterial flora of Indian backwater edible oyster, Crassostrea madrasensis from Royapuram back waters.National,February |
Conference on Marine Environmental Challenges and Coastal zone Management – Marina ’12.Department of Marine Sciences, Bharathidasan University |
13th and 14th 2012. |
Dr.A. Subhashini
S.No |
Name of the Author/s |
Title of the Paper |
Journal Name and details |
1. |
Alavandi S.V., Subashin1i. M S and Ananthan S. |
Occurrence of hemolytic Aeromonas species in domestic water supplies in Chennai. |
Indian J.Med Res; 1999:50-55 |
2. 2. |
Subashini M.S. and Rajendran P. |
In vitro screening of anti HBV and anti HIV properties of Gymnema sylvestre R.Br.leaves from Kolli Hills, Tamil Nadu, India. |
Int.J.Curr. Microbiol. App.Sci; 2015 4(3):542-547. |
3. |
Subashini M.S. Rajendran3. P., Ashok G. and Kanthesh B.M. |
TLC, FTIR and GCMS analysis of leaves of Gymnema sylvestre R.Br. from Kolli Hills, Tami Nadu, India. |
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. Int.J.Curr. Microbiol. App.Sci; 2015 4(7):757-764 |
4. |
Divyalakshmi S, and4. Subhashini A. |
Screening and isolation of polyethylene degrading bacteria from various soil environments. |
IOSR journal of Environmental Sciences, Toxicology and Food Technology;10(12): 2016 |
5. |
Pavithra S, Prathiba G5,. Subhashini A. |
MRSA in Gymnasium Community. 6. |
Int. J. Sci. Res. 2017; 6(6):2082- 2086. |
S.No |
Name of the Presenter |
Title of the paper |
Organizer Details |
Date |
1. |
A. Subhashini |
“Speciation andEnteropathogenicity of Aeromonas Species isolated from Water Sources in Chennai” |
XXII National Congress, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal |
9th November 1998. |
2. |
A. Subhashini 1. |
Antiviral activity of certain Indian Medicinal Plants against Hepatitis B virus and Human Immunodeficiency Virus. |
Karpagam University (6th Annual research Congress) |
5th December 2014 |
3. |
A. Subhashini 2. |
Cytotoxic analysis of extracts ofsylvestre, eneaspermus |
Karpagam University(7th Annua3l. research Congress) |
26th December 2015. |
4. |
A. Subhashini 4. |
Screening of MRSA in Community at 16th National Conference on at JSS Academy Mysuru. |
National Conference on 5. |
27th and 28th September 2018 |
Presented a paper titled Presented a poster titled “Phyochemical screening and HIV reverse transcriptase inhibition activity of Gymnema sylvestre” at International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Drugs for Human Welfare (ICMP 2015) at Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany and Centre for Herbal Sciences 28-30th January 2015.
GEN BANK SUBMISSION: Submitted Nucleotide sequence in Gen bank sequence ID KX344032 of plastic degrading bacteria on 27 May 2016.
S.No |
Name of the Principal Investigator |
Title of the Project |
Funding Agency |
Fund Amount |
Status |
1. |
Dr. A. Subhashini |
Investigation of Chemo-therapeutic potential of L-asparaginase isolated from soil dwelling microorganisms. 2018-19 |
Ethiraj College Trust |
Rs.10000/- |
Ongoing |
2. |
Mrs. G. Sangeetha Vani & Dr. A. Subhashini |
Optimization, Molecular Characterization and anticancer activity of L-Asparginase from soil bacterial isolates (2019 – 2020). |
Ethiraj College Trust |
Rs.15000/- |
Ongoing |
GEN BANK SUBMISSION: Submitted Nucleotide sequence in Gen bank sequence ID KX344032 of plastic degrading bacteria on 27 May 2016.
Attended UGC sponsored Refresher course on techniques in Molecular Biology and Genomics 28.11.2005- 17.12.2005 (21 days) at School of Biotechnology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Participated in AICTE sponsored Short Term training Course on Challenges in Biofuels and
bioenergy from 11.11.2019 to 16.11.2019at St.Joseph’s College of Engineering. MOOC Courses:
Completed NPTEL Online certification course on Biomedical Nanotechnology (4 week course) offered by IIT, Roorkee ,Aug-Sep 2019.
Dr.(Mrs) Anusha Balasingh
S.No |
Name of the Author/s |
Title of the Paper |
Journal Name and details |
1. |
Sandhya, Anusha Balasingh |
Bioremediation of crude oil and study of the hydrocarbon degrading isolates, their |
Global journal of bioscience and biotechnology volume 8(1 2019) |
Biosurfactant activity against human pathogens |
2. |
Rima Das, Anusha Balasingh, Anupam R |
Bacteriophage therapy for treating multiple drug resistant urinary tract pathogen, Escherichia coli. |
Int.Journal of Life Sciences ,2018;6(2):441-445. |
3. |
Anupama R, Anusha Balasingh |
Isolation, purification and characterisation of bacteriocin producing Lactobacillus spp and its antimicrobial efficacy against foodborne pathogens. |
International Journal of Microbiology research Vol 5,Issue 2 April -June 2018 |
4. |
Leena., Anusha Balasingh |
Biodegradation of hexavalent chromium, oil and grease in paper mill effluent using Micrococcus luteus and Bacillus aquimaris isolated from soil. |
International journal of advanced research. Vol 3, Issue12, 402-407 . 2015. |
5. |
V.A. Leslie., A. Margare7t. Muthu Rathinam and Anusha Balasingh |
Rapid identification of Vibrio harveyi isolates in Panulius homarus |
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science Vol 3, Issue 12 402-407 2011 |
6 |
Anusha Balasingh S8.. Prasanna Kumar |
Purification and characterization of keratinase from dermatophytes. |
Advanced Biotechnology Vol 10 Issue 10 April 2011 |
7 |
Leslie V.A., Margare9t. Muthu Rathinam A and Anusha Balasingh |
Distribution profile of Vibrio harveyi in Panulirus homarus. |
International Research Journal of Biological Sciences Res. J. Biological Science Vol. 1(4), 61- 64 |
8 |
Anusha Balasingh, S. Prasanna Kumar |
Antidermatophytic activity of Neem (Azadirchta indica) Seed and Leaf Extracts against Clinical Isolates of Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes. |
Research Journal of Biological Sciences Vol. II (I).2010 |
1.Certificate course on Patent drafting for Beginners, National programme on technology enhanced learning conducted by Indian Institute of technology, May,2018
2. Certificate course on Research Writing, National programme on technology enhanced learning conducted by Indian Institute of technology, May,2018
3. Certificate course on Introduction to Proteomics, National programme on technology enhanced learning conducted by Indian Institute of technology, May ,2018
- Secured best oral paper award in micro-summit 2019 organised by the department of Microbiology in Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals conducted on 3 August ,2019
- Secured the third place in Petri Art Competition in the International Conference of Association of Microbiologists in the University of Hyderabad , December2018
- Fellowship Award conferred by the Indian Association of Applied Microbiologists,2018
- Certificate of Appreciation in delivering a Fitness Talk in O2 Health Studio, Savera Hotel ,2018 Dr.(Mrs) S. Nandhini RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS:
S.No |
Name of the Author/s |
Title of the Paper |
Journal Name and details |
1. |
S. K. Maiti , S. Nandhini , Manab Das |
Accumulation of metals by naturally growing herbaceous and tree species in iron ore tailings |
International Journal of Environmental studies. Issue: volume 62(5):593-603.2005. |
2. |
S.K.Maiti and S.Nandhini |
Bioavailability of metals in fly-ash and their bioaccumulation in naturally occurring vegetation; A pilot scale study. |
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.Vol.116 (1):263- 273.2006 |
3. |
S.Nandhini and K.Revathi |
Study on Biofouling Organisms present on the surface of Boats in Royapuram, Chennai. |
National Environment and Pollution Technology ISSN:0972- 6268. Vol 15(1):257-261.2016 |
4. |
S.Nandhini and K.Revathi |
Antifouling Activity of Extracts from Mangroves against Biofouling Bacteria Isolated from Boats in Royapuram, Chennai, India. |
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 5(8): 324-335.2016 |
S.No |
Name of the Presenter |
Title of the paper |
Organizer Details |
Date |
1. |
Subodh Kumar Maiti, I.N. Sinha, S.Nandhini,Kheya De and Debalina Das. |
Micronutrient mobility and heavy metal uptake in plants growing on acidic coal mine dump. |
NSEEME, Dhanbad, March 19-20. |
2004. |
2. |
Subodh Kumar Maiti and S. Nandhini. |
Bioavailability of metals in fly ash and their bioaccumulation in |
NHEEI, Bangalore, November 17-19. |
2004 |
3. |
Subodh Kumar Maiti and S. Nandhini. |
Bioremediation of Fe-ore tailings and bioaccumulation of metals in the naturally occurring vegetation. A case study of Noamundi Fe-ore tailings, TISCO, Noamundi. |
International Seminar on “MineralProcessing Technology (MPT-2005)”. |
January 6- 8,2005 |
4. |
Subodh Kumar Maiti, S. Nandhini and A.S.Venkatesh. |
Evaluation of bioremediation and related environmental geochemical aspects of copper mine waste from Mosabani, Eastern India. |
International Seminar on “MineralProcessing Technology (MPT-2005)”,. |
January 6-8, 2005 |
5. |
Subodh Kumar Maiti |
Heavy metal distribution |
Conference on “Technological |
February 5- |
and S. Nandhini. 2005. |
pattern in fly ash in CTTP (Jharkhand) and in spontaneously occurring vegetation. |
Advancement and Environmental Challenges in Mining and Allied Industries in the 21st century (TECMAC-2005)”; NIT, Rourkela, |
6,2005. |
6. |
Subodh Kumar Maiti and S. Nandhini. Conference on |
Heavy metal distribution in Fe-tailing of Noamundi mines and accumulation in the spontaneously occurring vegetation. |
“TechnologicalAdvancement and Environmental Challenges in Mining and Allied Industries in the 21st century (TECMAC-2005)”, NIT, Rourkela, |
February 5-6, 2005 |
7. |
Subodh Kumar Maiti, S. Nandhini and Gurdeep Singh. |
Bioavailability of Micronutrients and Heavy Metals in Reclaimed Overburden and their |
“First Indian Mineral Congress & technological exhibition” showcasingmineral industry in 21st century. ISM, Dhanbad, |
February 28- March 01, 2005 |
8. |
S.Nandhini and K.Revathi. |
Study of biofouling organisms on the surface of boats in Royapuram, Chennai. |
The 10th Indian Fisheries and aquaculture forum (10ifaf), Lucknow. |
12-15 November, 2014 |
9. |
S.Nandhini, K.Revathi and J.Lavanya. |
Antifouling activity of extracts from mangroves against biofilm forming bacteria isolated from boats in Kasimedu, Chennai. |
National Conference on Recent Trends in Modern biology and 46th Aqua-terra Annual Conference, Madurai. |
27-28 February.2015. |
10. |
S.Nandhini and K.Revathi. |
Antimicrobial activity ofLoligoduvauceli ink against biofouling bacteria isolated from boats in Royapuram, Chennai. |
XV AZRA International Conference on recent advances in Life Sciences, Chennai. |
11-13 February. 2016 |
11. |
S.Nandhini and M.NusrathFarhana. |
Efficacy of Pericarp of Pomegranate (Punicagranatum) extract as a preservative in |
International Conference on WorldWomen’s Day 2019 held on at TamilUniversity. |
8th March 2019 |
restructured chicken blocks. |
Dr.(Mrs). Linnett Naveena M
Research Publications:
S.No | Name of the Author/s | Title of the Paper | Journal Name and details |
1. | Mohan, N and Naveena,ML, | Isolation and Determination of Efficacy of Acephate Degrading Bacteria from Agricultural Soil. | IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) e-ISSN: 2319-2402, p- ISSN: 2319-2399.Volume 9, Issue 3 Ver. II, PP 10-20.2015 |
2. | Mahalakshmi,R and Naveena, ML. | Usage of Banana Pseudostem Waste for the Production of Potassic Biofertilizer using Cellulolytic Bacteria. | Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2016.5(8):336-349.2016 |
3. | Naveena, ML and Gowrie, U | Identification of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) from revegetated soils of lignite mines of Neyveli, Tamil Nadu. | Int J Pharma Bio Sci 2018 January; 9(1): (B) 122-129. |
4. | Naveena, ML and Gowrie, U, | Potential metabolites of Bacillus subtilis strain isolated from rhizospheric soils of revegetated mine spoil dumps. | Indian Journal of Environmental Protection 39(10): 938-944.2019 |
5. | M.Linnett Naveena and Vidhya C.V. | Assessing the potential of Rhizobacteria in mine spoil remediation. | Global Journal of bioscience and Biotechnology. April, 2019. Vol 8(2). 241-245. |
Paper Presentation:
S.No | Name of the Presenter | Title of the paper | Organizer Details | Date |
1. | M.Linnett Naveena | Phytochemical analysis and PGPR traits of bacterial isolates from revegetated lignite mine spoil dumps of Neyveli, Tamil Nadu” . | National Conference on Biomaterials from Microorganism and Medicinal Plants for Human welfare. Vels University, Chennai. | 29-30th September 2016. |
2. | M.Linnett Naveena | “Isolation and evaluation of bioactive potential of rhizosphere bacteria from plants found inco minespoil of Neyveli lignite mines” . | International Seminar on Biotechnology- Challenging the Challenges of the Changing World | 4-5th February, 2015. |
3. | M.Linnett Naveena | “Evaluation of plant growth promoting traits of bacteria isolated from plants found in lignite mine soil of Neyveli, Tamil Nadu” . | XV AZRA International Conference on Recent Advances in Life Sciences | 11-13th February, 2016. |
4. | M.Linnett Naveena | ‘Studies on probiotic microorganisms’ | National Food Conference on Food Technology ‘Food Care ’04. JJ College of Arts and Science | 22-23rd December 2004. |
5. | M.Linnett Naveena | “Isolation of acid and bile tolerant Lactobacillus sp” | National Congress on Bioscience Research, Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai | 27-28th August, 2011 |
Conferences/Seminar/Workshop organized:
- Member of the organizing committee of the National Seminar on “Career Prospects in Life Sciences” organized by the Department of Microbiology on 31st January, 2017.
- Member of the organizing committee of the National Seminar on “Frontiers in Biological Sciences” held on 15th December, 2008.
- Member of the organizing committee of the National Congress on Bioscience Research held on 27-28th August, 2011.
- Member of the organizing committee of the International Workshop on “Operons and Vaccines” organized by the Department of Microbiology on 4th December, 2017.
- Member of the organizing committee of the National Conference on “Trends and Innovations in Biological Sciences” organized by the Department of Microbiology on 14 -15th February, 2018.
- Member of the organizing committee of the Workshop on “Microbiological Techniques For School Students” held on 30-31st August, 2018.
Conferences/ Seminar/ Workshop attended:
- Faculty Development Workshop on “Statistical Analysis using SPSS and AMOS” on 21- 22nd June, 2018 at Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai.
- International Symposium on “Medicinal Plants and Herbal Drugs in Human and Livestock Wealth, A Global Perspective” at Pachaiyappa’s College on 29th -31st of January, 2016.
- Seminar on “ Knowledge Management in Higher Educational Institutions” organized by the IQAC at Ethiraj College For Women on 24th March, 2015.
- State level workshop on Indian system of Medicine organized by the department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology at Ethiraj College For Women.
- Workshop on “Performance Enhancement” at Ethiraj College For Women organized by the IQAC on 9th March 2017.
- National Symposium on “From Potential for Excellence to Excellence in Higher Educational Institutions” organized by the IQAC at Ethiraj College For Women on 18th and 19th of July, 2016.
- Workshop on “Non communicable diseases and lifestyle modifications” on 29th August, 2011 at Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai.
- Workshop on Young Adult Counselling on 15th April, 2011 at Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai.
S.No | Name of the Principal/Co Investigator | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Fund Amount | Status |
1. |
Mrs.M.Linnett Naveena & Dr. Vidhya C.V. |
Phytoremediation of Mine Spoil using heavy metal resistant Rhizobacteria. 2017. | Ethiraj College Trust | Rs.10000/- | Completed and Published |
2. | Mrs.M.Linnett Naveena | Minor Research Project Assessing the potential of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria ( PGPR) in the reclamation of lignite mine soil” No.F MRP-6775/16 ( SERO/UGC) dt June 2017 | University Grants Commission ( UGC) | Rs.90,000/- | Completed |
Awards Received
- Award: Received Best Research Award on Founder’s Day , 2018 (18.07.2018)
- Received third prize for oral presentation during National Conference on “Biomaterials from Microorganism and Medicinal Plants for Human welfare” on 29-30 September 2016 at Vels University,Chennai.
Curriculum Development:
- Authored two chapters viz “Microbial Nutrition” and “Soil and Agricultural Microbiology” in Microbiology Text Book (Std 11) for State Council For Education and Research Training (SCERT) for Govt. of Tamil Nadu.
No. Of PG (M.Sc.,) Projects guided- 8
Dr.(Mrs). Vidhya C.V.
S.No |
Name of the Author/s |
Title of the Paper |
Journal Name and details |
1. |
Vidhya C.V. and Niren Andrew S. |
Prevalence and antibiogram of multidrug resistant Staphylococci.” |
Indian Journal of Applied and Pure Biology. July 2012. Vol. 27 : (2).p 271-277. |
2. |
Vidhya C.V. and Niren Andrew S. |
Comparative study on antibiograms of coagulase positive and negative Staphylococci isolated from various samples. |
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. September 2012. Vol. 6 : (3). p 1357-1361. |
3. |
Vidhya C.V. and R.Aasha |
Isolation, optimization and production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) from soil bacteria. |
Global Journal of bioscience and Biotechnology. February, 2018. Vol 7(4). |
4. |
Vidhya C.V. |
Production and Optimization of Extra- cellular protease from Ganoderma. |
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. April 2019. 12(4). |
5. |
Vidhya C.V. and M.Linnett Naveena |
Assessing the potential of Rhizobacteria in mine spoil remediation. |
Global Journal of bioscience and Biotechnology. April, 2019. Vol 8(2). 241-245. |
Paper presented Abstract : “Comparative study on antibiograms of coagulase positive and negative Staphylococci isolated from various samples.” American Journal of Bio-pharmacology Biochemistry and Life Sciences. March 2012. Vol. 1: (Suppl 1): A66
S.No |
Name of the Presenter |
Title of the paper |
Organizer Details |
Date |
1. |
Vidhya C.V. |
“Production and optimization of extracellular protease fromGanoderma sp.” |
International symposium on Environmental risk assessment, Bharathiar University. |
October 2011. |
2. |
Vidhya C.V. |
Comparative study on antibiograms of coagulase positive and negativeStaphylococci.” |
International conference on Biosciences – Trends in molecular Medicine. D G Vaishnav College, Chennai. |
February 2012. |
3. |
Vidhya C.V. |
Antibacterial activity of Neem leaf extracts and oil against various pathogens. |
“National conference on Microbiology and Biotechnology: Rising to the Challenges of Times. Madras Christian College, Chennai. |
February 2013. |
4. |
Vidhya C.V. |
“Molecular Profiling of Coa and Mec A genes from Multidrug resistantStaphylococcus aureus.” |
XV AZRA International Conference on Recent Advances in Life sciences. Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai. |
February 2016. |
5. |
Vidhya C.V. |
Optimization of parameters for rapid production of |
59th Annual conference of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI 2018) |
9th-12th December, |
extra-cellular protease by Ganoderma sp. |
& National symposium on host pathogen interactions. University of Hyderabad. Telanagana. |
2018. |
S.No |
Name of the Principal/Co Investigator |
Title of the Project |
Funding Agency |
Fund Amount |
Status |
1. |
Mrs.M.Linnett Naveena & |
Phytoremediation of Mine Spoil using heavy metal resistant Rhizobacteria. 2017. |
Ethiraj College Trust |
Rs.10000/- |
Completed and Published |
GenBank Accession Numbers of Coa and Mec A genes from multidrug resistant Staphylococcus aureus. December 2014.
BankIt1781580Seq1 BankIt1781580Seq2 BankIt1781580Seq3 BankIt1781580Seq4 BankIt1781580Seq5 BankIt1781580Seq6 BankIt1781580Seq7 BankIt1781580Seq8 BankIt1781580Seq9 BankIt1781580Seq10 KP255456
KP255447 KP255448 KP255449 KP255450 KP255451 KP255452 KP255453 KP255454 KP255455
Dr.(Mrs). Mary Sheela J.
S.No |
Name of the Author/s |
Title of the Paper |
Journal Name and details |
1. |
Mary Sheela J |
Antibacterial effect of ink gland extracts from Indian squid loligo duvauceli and cuttle fish sepia officinalis from north Chennai, |
Indian journal of applied Microbiology.VOLUME 17,JAN- JUNE 2014,PP-32-37, ISSN NO- 2454-289X |
2. |
Mary Sheela J |
Formulation and evaluation of gel using ink gland extract from Indian squid Loligo duvauceli. |
International journal of current Research,volume 8,issue 10,pp- 39607-39610,October 2016, ISSN-0975-833X |
3. |
Mary Sheela J |
Antifungal activity of cell extract of spirulina platensis against aflatoxin producing Aspergillus species. |
Indian journal of applied Microbiology.VOLUME 4, Nov2015, PP-1025-1029. ISSN- 0975-833X |
S.No |
Name of the Presenter |
Title of the paper |
Organizer Details |
Date |
1. |
Mary Sheela J |
A Study on Antibacterial activities in the aqueous extract from seed of Madhuca indica “ |
Annual Conference of Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists (IABMS,2003)New Delhi |
2016 |
2. |
Mary Sheela J |
A Study of invitro synergistic activity in the aqueous extract of Terminalia chebula andDecalipes hamiltoni against gastroenteritic bacteria” at |
28thannual conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists. |
2004 |
3. |
Mary Sheela J |
“A piolet study on Ink gland extracts from Indian |
“The 10th Indian Fisheries and aquaculture forum (10ifaf). |
12-15, November, |
squid loligo duvauceli and cuttle fish sepia officinalis from north Chennai against skin pathogens. |
2014. |
4. |
Mary Sheela J |
Formulation of natural hair dye using herbal extract and squid ink possessing antimicrobial activity. |
National Conference on Recent Trends in Modern biology and 46th Aqua-terra Annual Conference (Madurai Kamaraj University) |
27-28 February, 2015 |
Dr.G. Sangeetha Vani
Paper Publications
S.No |
Name of the Author/s |
Title of the Paper |
Journal Name and details |
1. |
G.Sangeetha Vani, D.Geetha,T.Anand and K.S.Subramaniam. |
A study on isolation of Streptococcus mutans and its in vitro susceptibility to extracts from Ficus bengalensis Linn,Terminalia chebula Reitz,Terminalis bellirica Roxb,Piper betel and Schizigium aromaticum Linn. S.Rajarajan, |
Ind J of App Microbiology |
(2006)6(1):26-28. |
2. |
S.Rajarajan, G.Sangeetha Vani, D.Geetha,T.Anand and K.S.Subramaniam. |
A study on isolation of Streptococcus mutans and its in vitro susceptibility to extracts from Ficus bengalensis Linn,Terminalia chebula Reitz,Terminalis bellirica Roxb,Piper betel and Schizigium aromaticum Linn. |
Ind J of App Microbiology (2006)6(1):26-28. |
3. |
G.Sangeetha Vani, S.Rajarajan. |
A study on in silico analysis of phytochemicals targeting the proteins of Hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus. |
Int.J.Curr,Microbiol.App.Sci (2015)4(12):ISSN 2319-7706, 683-691pp. |
4. |
G.Sangeetha Vani, S.Rajarajan . |
A study on in vitro antiviral activities of lyophilized extracts of Glycyrrhiza glabra on Hepatitis B virus.. |
Int. J of Pharmacological Research (2016) IJPR Vol 6, Issue 6: ISSN 2277-3312 |
5. |
S.Jayashree, G.Sangeetha Vani. |
In vitro study on antibacterial activity of aqueous extract and silver nanoparticles of |
Int.J.Curr,Microbiol.App.Sci(201 6)5(5): ISSN 2319-7706,400- |
Andrographis paniculata. |
406pp. |
S.No |
Name of the Presenter |
Organizer Details |
Date |
1. |
Sangeetha Vani G. |
16th National conference of IAAM at JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysore. |
27th and 28th September 2018 |
2. |
Sangeetha Vani G. |
International Conference on on Molecular Signature – GenNxt at Dr.MGR. Janaki College for Women, Chennai. |
13th and 14th September 2017 |
3. |
Sangeetha Vani G. |
XXVII National Conference on IAMM at Mumbai. |
7-9th November 2003 |
4. |
Sangeetha Vani G. |
International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Drugs for Human Welfare (ICMP 2015) at Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany and Centre for Herbal Sciences. |
28-30th January, 2015 |
S.No |
Name of the Principal/Co Investigator |
Title of the Project |
Funding Agency |
Fund Amount |
Status |
1. |
Mrs. G. Sangeetha Vani and Dr.K.Krishna Prema |
Screening of immune status against Rubella virus in premarital women (2015-2016) |
Ethiraj College Trust |
Rs.10000/- |
Completed |
2. |
Dr. A. Subhashini & Mrs. G. Sangeetha Vani |
Investigation of chemotherapeutic potential of L-Asparginase isolated from soil dwelling microorganisms (2018 – 2019). |
Ethiraj College Trust |
Rs.15000/- |
Completed |
3. |
Mrs. G. Sangeetha Vani & Dr. A. Subhashini |
Optimization, Molecular Characterization and anticancer activity of L-Asparginase from soil bacterial isolates (2019 – 2020). |
Ethiraj College Trust |
Rs.15000/- |
Attended a short term training program on prospects and challenges in Biofuels and Bioenergy on 11th -16th NOV 2019 at St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai.
Dr. (Mrs.) M.Reenaa
S.No |
Name of the Author/s |
Title of the Paper |
Journal Name and details |
1. |
Reena Banerjee, Rajendran P, Ganapathy M, Satish T, Thyagarajan S.P |
Haemophilus ducreyi: A potential re-emerging STD pathogen and its antibiogram. |
Indian Journal of Appli Microbiology. 2001; (1): 17 – 21. |
2. |
Rajendran P, Priya Thyagarajan S.P, Kannan Hari R, Kanthesh B.M, Ree Banerjee, Abdul Rahim Saravanan M.S, Haripriya Sripathi M.S, Vijayakumar |
RS,erological studies in relation to Syphilis, nand Hepatitis C – Virus infection in Ki,ntravenous drug users clinics, from Chennai, .Tamilnadu, India. |
Indian Journal of Ap iMruiscrobiology. 2002; 2 17 – 22. and |
3. |
Reena Banerjee, Rajendran P, Thyagarajan S.P, Ganapathy M, Satish T, Selwyn W, Kanthesh B.M, |
Identification of plasmid DNA in Haemophilus ducreyi from chancroid cases. |
Indian Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2002; 2 (1): 45 – 46. |
Abdul Rahim M. |
4. |
Reenaa M, Rajendran P. |
gmh A gene expression and virulence in Haemophilus ducreyi from chancroid cases. |
Biomedicine.2009; 29 (4): 373 – 375. |
5. |
Reenaa M. |
Effect of sizing mill effluent on the digestive enzymes of the fish Oreochromis mossambicus. |
Journal of Advanced Biotechnology.2011; 10 (10): 48 – 51. |
6. |
Reenaa M, Krishnamala K. |
Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of PCR confirmed Salmonella typhimurium isolated from food samples in Chennai. |
Indian Journal of Applied Microbiology.2013; 16 (1): 51 – 54. |
7. |
Shabana Razmin, Reenaa M, Vishnu Prasad, Rajendran P. |
Hepatitis C and B virus infection among chronic renal failure patients undergoing haemodialysis in Calicut, Kerala State, India. |
Asia Pacific Journal of Research.2013; 9 (1): 11 – 16. |
8. |
Reenaa M, Sai Arpitha S. |
Decolourising activity of laccase enzyme from Trametes sps against textile dyes. |
International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research.2015; 3 (9): 92 – 101. |
9. |
Reenaa M. |
Antimicrobial activity of Tridax procumbens against multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burn cases. |
Indian Journal of Applied Microbiology.2016; 19 (1): 58 – 65. |
10. |
Thameem Fathima A, Reenaa M. |
Anticancer and Antibacterial activity of Ganoderma lucidum.International |
Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.2016; 5 (10): 891 – 909. |
11. |
Reenaa M, Vadivukkarasi D. |
Prevalence of Streptococcus mutans in public and private pre-school childen. |
Indian Journal of Applied Microbiology.2016; 19 (2) : 52 – 57. |
12. |
Reenaa M, Athira S. Menon. |
Synthesis of silver nano particles from different citrus fruit peel extracts and a comparative analysis on its antibacterial activity. |
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.2017; 6 (7): 2358 – 2365. |
13. |
Reenaa M, Gurpreet Kaur. |
Anti-enteric Potentials of Six Common Food Spices. |
International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review.2017; Special Issue – 4: 165 – 172. |
Paper Presented
S.No |
Name of the Presenter |
Title of the paper |
Organizer Details |
Date |
1. |
M.Reenaa |
“Characterisation of Haemophilus ducreyi isolated from genial ulcer” – |
XXIV National Congress, – IAMM, Belgaum. |
Nov 2000. |
2. |
M.Reena |
“Effect of sizing mill effluent on the Digestive tract Microbial communities and digestive enzymes of the fishOreochromis mossambicus” |
International Conference on Implications of Biotechnology on Biodiversity & its Conservation, hel, conducted by Department of Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology,Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai. |
27th & 28th January 2011,
Mrs. Padmini Mary.G
1 | National Symposium- Ethiraj College for Women | National | Participated | Effective Governance and Brand building in Higher Educational Institutions | February 2014 |
2 | One day Symposium- Ethiraj College for Women | National | Participated | Project proposal and Guidelines for sciences | August 2014 |
3 | 12th National Conference of IAAM- MGR. Janaki College for Women | National | Presented | Study of pigmented bacteria and their pigments | December 2014 |
4 | National Symposium- Ethiraj College for Women | National | Participated | From Potencial for Excellence to Excellence in Higher Educational Institutions | July 2016 |
5 | National Conference- Ethiraj College for Women | National | Participated | Trends and Innovations in Biological Sciences | February 2018 |
1 | Workshop- IQAC, Ethiraj College for Women | National | Emotional Intelligence | October 2012 |
2 | Workshop- Ethiraj College for Women | National | Academics and Research | February 2017 |
3 | International Workshop- Ethiraj College for Women | International | Operons and Vaccines | December 2017 |
4 | Workshop – Ethiraj College for Women. | State | Microbiological Techniques for school students | August 2018 |
5 | Workshop – Ethiraj college for Women in collaboration with Presidency College. | National | Recent advances in Biological Research Data Analysis | February 2019 |
1. | National Seminar- DG Vaishnav College | National | Life style diseases- Causes & Prevention | January 2014 |
2. | One day Seminar- Ethiraj College for Women | National | Methods and means to Develop research in Colleges | August 2015 |
3. | National Seminar- Ethiraj College for Women | National | Career prospects in Life Sciences | January 2017 |
The Department of Microbiology has 24 years of rich and fulfilling experience in training and educating young minds in the field of Microbiology. The Undergraduate course was started in the year 1997 and was upgraded to Post Graduate Department in 2006. The Department takes pride in offering well-designed and need based Curriculum covering topics on Bioenergy, Waste Management, Nanobiotechnology, Fermented Foods and Health benefits along with Immunology, Microbial Genetics, Medical, Environmental and Agricultural Microbiology, ably taught by qualified Faculty to keep in pace with the latest developments in Microbiology. The Department has well equipped spacious Laboratories. Post Graduate students take up Internships and Research diligently, which enables them to Publish Research papers in reputed Journals. Journal club, Career Scape- Alumnae Nexus, keep the students updated with the current world scenario. Inauguration of Ethiraj- Microbiology Society, India Students Unit aims at Holistic development of students. The Department regularly organizes Seminars and Conferences and Webinars to motivate the students on Employment opportunities, Research and Career. Research projects are also undertaken by Faculty members, funded by the College Management and Funding Agencies like UGC and Publish Research Papers in Peer Reviewed, Indexed, National and International Journals.
2019-2020- Organized a National Seminar on “ HEALTH 2020”– An alternative perspective on Jan 8 2020 which was inaugurated by Dr.Sivaraman.G , Managing Director , Chief siddha physician, Arogya health care,Chennai.
70, Ethiraj Salai, Egmore,Chennai 600008, Tamilnadu, India
[email protected]
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