Ph.D- Physics
Department of Physics is revising syllabi with effect from the academic year 2015- 2016, under CBCS, Part – IV and Part – V components as specified by the Government of Tamil Nadu. Part – IV and Part –V components will seek to build the capacity of the students and provide inputs for their social service and social analysis capabilities. Every academic year is divided into two semester sessions. Each semester will have a minimum of 90 working days and each day will have 5 working hours. Teaching is organized into a modular pattern of credit courses. Credit is normally related to the number of hours a teacher teaches a particular subject. It is also related to the number of hours a student spends learning a subject or carrying out an activity.
Sanctioned Strength UG:50
Value Added Courses offered by the Department for the Under Graduate students across various disciplines:
1. Maintenance of Modern Equipments – The course paves the in-depth understanding and enhanced repairing and maintenance skills of Modern Equipments (40 Hours)
2. Physics for Competitive Exams- The course enhances the problem solving skills of the students with the perspective of preparation for Competitive Exams. (40 Hours)
S.No. |
Year |
Number of students Registered |
Number of students selected |
1. |
2014-2015 |
15 |
4 |
2. |
2015-2016 |
17 |
11 |
3. |
2016-2017 |
30 |
20 |
4. |
2017-2018 |
22 |
12 |
5. |
2018-2019 |
12 |
7 |
6. |
2019-2020 |
12 |
– |
Facilities: General Laboratory

Details of the awards received by the staff at the National level / International level
1 | Dr. Mrs. M. Shahida Banu (Retd.) | Dr. Radha Krishnan Teaching Excellence Award | Lions Club International |
2 | Dr. K.Manimegalai (Retd.) | Best Teacher Award | Lion’s Club International |
3 | Dr. Mrs. M. Shahida Banu (Retd.) | Life time Achievement Award | Lions Club of Chennai Skyline |
Sports /Cultural Events Achievement of Students
S.NO. |
National Level/International Level/State Level |
1 |
C.Sneha |
II (2018- 2021) |
Bharatanatiyam |
(AIDA) at Raipur in October 2018 |
All India Dance Association
National Level |
2. |
S. Nivedha, A. H. Chandana and R. S. Mrinaleni |
(2013- 2016) |
Third Place in the State Level Intercollegiate Quiz (Zone – 2) – DAE Diamond Jubilee Celebration |
Stella Maris College
IGCAR (in association with Stella Maris College)
State Level |

Dr.A.V.Jhone Verjhula
Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D,SLET
Designation: Assistant Professor & Head Of The Department
Years Of Experience: UG : 15 Years PG : 10 Years
Year Of Experience At Other Institutes: 3 Years.
Area Of Specialization: Material Science.
Email ID : [email protected]

Dr.B. Uma
Qualification: M.Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D.
Designation :Assistant Professor
Years Of Experience :UG : 3 YearsPG : 3 Years
Year Of Experience At Other Institutes: 17 Years.
Area Of Specialization : Crystal Growth & Materials Science.
Email ID: [email protected]

Dr. S. Mahalakshmi
Qualification: M.Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D.
Designation :Assistant Professor
Years Of Experience :UG : 3 YearsPG : 3 Years
Year Of Experience At Other Institutes: 16 Years.
Area Of Specialization : Nanomagnetic Materials.
Email ID: [email protected]

Qualification: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D, SET
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years Of Experience: UG: 2 Months 28 Days PG : NILL
Year Of Experience At Other Institutes: 20 Years PG: 5 Years
Area Of Specialization: Crystal growth and Characterization
Email ID: [email protected]

Dr. E. Elamuruguporchelvi
Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years Of Experience:UG: 12 Yrs PG: 4 Yrs
Area Of Specialization: Spectroscopy
Email ID: [email protected]

Dr. D. Durgalakshmi
Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years Of Experience: UG: 8 months PG: 6 Yrs
Area Of Specialization: Nanomaterials, Biomaterials
Email ID: [email protected]

Qualification: M.Sc, M.Tech., PhD, SET
Designation: Assistant Professor
Years Of Experience: UG: 13 years 3 months
Area Of Specialization: Materials Science
Email ID:
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Papers Presented & Published by Students
Sl.No |
Name |
International Conference |
Institution |
1. |
S. Dipthi (2016-19) |
Geocentric and Heliocentric philosophies“THE INDIANCONTEXT” |
Global Conference on Cosmology and Frontiers in Applied Astro Science – CFAAS 2017 |
Ethiraj College for Women |
2. |
S. Dipthi (2016-19) |
Neutral Hydrogen Line Emission as Proof for Dark Matter
National Conference on Cosmology and Particle Physics conducted by the Department of Physics |
Women’s Christian College, Chennai. |
3. |
RM. Valliammai and Srinidhi Rajagopalan (2015-18) |
A comparison between the modern Bigbang theory and vedic idea of creation
Global Conference on Cosmology and Frontiers in Applied Astro Science – CFAAS 2017 |
Ethiraj College for Women |
Papers Presented & Published by Faculty
S.NO |
1. |
Dr. S. Mahalakshmi |
Magnetic interactions and dielectric behaviour of cobalt ferrite and barium titanate multiferroics nanocomposites |
International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
SRM University |
- Higher education for Women, creating opportunities for experiential learning, nurturing “Young Leaders”.
- Excellence in the academic disciplines, research and outreach activities focusing on “Quality in Every Activity”.
- To inculcate high moral, ethical and professional standards among our students towards societal responsibility and community development.
- To achieve academic excellence through active student-teacher interaction, thereby enriching research and development activities.
The Department of Physics commenced as an allied department in 1948, and acquired under graduate status in 1978, post graduate status in 2004 and was upgraded into a research centre by introducing M.Phil course in 2009 and Ph.D. Degree Program in 2018. Students undergoing the UG program are exposed to all topics in basic physics including Advanced Digital Electronics & Microprocessor, Solid State Physics to acquire adequate knowledge for higher studies like B.Tech, MCA, MBA & integrated Ph.D program. The Department has always maintained a high academic record right through its inception. Post graduate degree course, M.Phil course and Ph.D program were introduced in the year 2004, 2009, and 2018 respectively. The Department is nourished by young and dynamic faculty members who are actively engaged in research, leading to publications in international journals of repute. The Department encourages the students to participate in different co-curricular, extra-curricular, intra-inter collegiate events to showcase their talents and enhance their integrity.
To motivate the students towards research, Nano Science and Technology is introduced. The Post graduate students undertake their project work in various reputed institutions like IISc Bangalore, IGCAR Kalpakkam, Anna University etc. The project in the last semester provides the necessary acumen to pursue a career in research. Students are encouraged toward research by exploring the use of instruments like LCR Bridge, Thermostat,FTIR, UV –Visible and Fluorescence spectrometers available in the Instrumentation Centre. The Department has software’s like GOLD for molecular docking studies, WEIN 2K for band structure calculation and MATCH for phase identification from powder diffraction. Equipments such as high temperature muffle furnace (1400o C) and Ultrasonic cleaner are also available. The Astronomy Club of Ethiraj College for Women under the auspices of the department, affiliated to Vigyan Prasar Network of Science Clubs (VIPNET), an autonomous organization under the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, caters to the astronomical interest of the students across various disciplines. The vibrant club was established in 2017 and has progressed to the Bronze Club status in the year 2018 through innumerable activities. We aspire to provide an academic system which would build high moral, ethical and professional standards, ensuring social upliftment of women students emerging as young leaders.
Prof. Dr. H. Michael Heise, University of Applied Sciences of South-Westphalia, Interdisciplinary Centre for Life Sciences, Frauenstuhlweg, Germany delivered a lecture on the Interdisciplinary Aspects of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology.
The Annual Association RIPPLES’14 was held on 28th August, 2014. Dr B.Venkatraman, Associate Director, RSECG, IGCAR, Kalpakkam delivered the Inaugural Address. Interdepartmental quiz and photography competitions saw a good representation from across the departments in the college.
The students of the department had the opportunity of listening to yet another great Physics teacher, Professor V. Balakrishnan, Emeritus Professor, IIT-M who in his inimitable style brought out the Physics principles underlying every day observances in our lives.
Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Haqq, former Professor from the University of Massachussets from the United States of America delivered a lecture on Chance or Design on the 16th of February, 2015.
The Annual Association Carnival “Ripples” was held on 1st September 2015. “Ripples’15” observed an overwhelming number of participants from more than ten city Colleges. The Chief Guest of the Fest Dr. M. Michael Gromiha, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras delivered the inaugural address on Computational Biology and Protein Bioinformatics. The Department Newsletter “Waves” was released to mark the Year of Light that exemplifies the inherent potentials of young minds.
Marking the Quasquicentennial Birth Anniversary of Founder Shri. V. L. Ethiraj, the Department of Physics, Ethiraj College for Women conducted a State Level Symposium on “Recent Trends in Nanomaterials and Solar Cell Applications” on 2nd September 2015. Eminent Scientists Dr. Arindam Das, Scientist and HBNI Assistant Professor, Surface and Nanoscience Division, Materials Science Group, IGCAR,
Kalpakkam, Dr.Sekhar Bhattacharya, Senior Research Scientist, SSN Research Centre, Chennai and Dr.S.Uthanna, Department of Physics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati delivered lectures which enhanced the knowledge of the students in the field of Nanoscience and Solar Cell Applications.
Dr. Mrs. M. Shahida Banu, was conferred the ‘Best Teacher’ Award by the Lion’s Club International.
Commemorating the Quasquicentennial Birth Anniversary of our Revered Founder Shri. V. L. Ethiraj and the Birth Anniversary of Late Former President and Scientist Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the Department of Physics conducted Oratorical and Poster Painting Inter-Departmental Competitions on the Life and Inventions of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam on 19th September 2015. The competition witnessed a number of budding enthusiasts from various Departments. Ms. Swetha. M, III B. Sc, Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology, won the FIRST place in Oratorical Competition and Ms. Hajira. M, I B.Sc, Department of Chemistry, won the FIRST place in Painting Competition.
The Annual association Carnival “Ripples” was held on 31st August 2016. “Ripples’16” observed an overwhelming number of participants from more than twenty city Colleges. The Chief Guest of the fest Dr. S. Balachandran, Director, Area Cyclone Warning Centre, Regional Meteorological Centre, Chennai delivered lectureon “Weather Forecasting”.
Dr.Mrs.Shahida Banu was conferred the ‘Dr.Radha Krishnan Teaching Excellence Award’ by Lions Club International and also the ‘Life time Achievement Award’ by Lions Club of Chennai Skyline.
The Inter Departmental Quiz Competition was organized by the department on the occasion of ‘National Science Day’. Students from the Department of Chemistry won the first and third place, while the Department of Commerce won the second place.
RIPPLES 2017, Physics Annual Association Meet was held on 31st August 2017. Dr. R. Jayavel, Director, Centre for Research, Anna University, was the chief guest and delivered the inaugural address.
Dr. Khalid Ahmed, United States of America gave an informative lecture on Nanoscience which was highly interactive and much beneficial to the students.
The Department organized a National Symposium on “Low Temperature Physics” on 5th February 2018. Esteemed speakers from different reputed institutions including TIFR, Mumbai, Centre for excellence in Basic Sciences, University of Mumbai, SRM University and IIT, Madras delivered the invited talk.
The Department took initiatives to install “The Astronomy Club of Ethiraj College” – The First Science Club of the Institution, associated with The Vigyan Prasar (VIPNET), an autonomous body instituted by the Central Government. The club with its moto “Sky For All” provides a social platform for the students of all streams to reveal their interests in exploring the unexplored parts of the sky.
The Department of Physics conducted the Annual Association Ripples’18 on 21st August 2018. Dr. P. Aruna, Professor and Head, Department of Medical Physics, Anna University, Chennai delivered the Inaugural Address.
A Guest Lecture was organised on the 23rd August 2018. Dr. Satish Kumar Saravanan, Guest Researcher at Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Germany, delivered a lecture on Black Holes and Wormholes
The Astronomy Club of Ethiraj College organised a talk on 27th July 2018 to mark the longest central lunar eclipse of the century. Dr. M. Chrisphin Karthick, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Loyola College, Chennai delivered the lecture on Basics of Sky Watching.
A Guest Lecture by the First Woman Weather Forecaster of the Country, Dr. Jayanthi Narendran, Former Additional Director General of Meteorology, Pune & Advisor to Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Research, Anna University was organized by
the Department to kindle the students to pursue higher studies and further on Research on 20th February 2019.
Ripples- Annual Association Carnival was held on 21/8/2019 and the Chief Guest of the day was Dr. Shrihari Gopalakrishnan, Professor of Theoretical Physics, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
Guest Lecture on Astrophysics and Biochemical Evolution of life by the Dr Sohan Jheetha, Director Network of Researchers, United Kingdom on 06th December 2019, Friday
70, Ethiraj Salai, Egmore,Chennai 600008, Tamilnadu, India
[email protected]
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