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IQAC REPORT 2019 – 2020

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” ~William A. Foster

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of our college has been playing an active role since its inception to ensure that the College forges new paths of excellence.  The IQAC offers constructive suggestions and lays down quality benchmarks for the effective functioning of the various units of the College.  The following are some of the activities conducted by the IQAC during the academic year 2019-20.

Feedback on Admission procedures

As has been the practice in the past, this year also the IQAC collected from parents about the online as well as the overall admission process at the College. The admission process received good appreciation from parents. A few suggestions were given by the parents to improve the online admission process.

Orientation Programme

The IQAC, in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science organized a week-long Orientation programme in the month of June. The students received thorough initiation to college life and the plethora of opportunities available to them from the various erudite speakers.  Feedback regarding the Orientation Programme and also about the speakers, was collected from the students and analyzed by the IQAC.


In anticipation of the NAAC accreditation IV cycle, the IQAC initialized the collection and compilation of data as well as proofs required for the submission of SSR.


Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR)

The IQAC collected and consolidated details of all the Academic and Extension activities of all the departments in the college and submitted the Annual Quality Assurance Report to NAAC.

National Institutional Ranking Frame Work (NIRF)

In November 2019, the IQAC collated data as requested by the MHRD, Government of India, about the college and applied for the National Ranking, through the National Institutional Ranking Frame Work (NIRF).  The results are expected in the first week of April 2020.

India Today Ranking and The Week Magazine Hansa Research

The data of the college was consolidated based on the activities of all the departments in the college and the same  was submitted to MDRA which is conducting the ranking for the India Today Magazine and to Hansa Research The WeekMagazine for the Best College in India.

Best College Survey 2019
Ranking Arts Sciences Commerce
India Today 21st  Rank 23th Rank 38th Rank
The Week 16th Rank 17th Rank 13th Rank


Faculty Satisfaction Survey

The IQAC conducted a Faculty Satisfaction Survey to identify the satisfaction level among the faculty members on the aspects of teaching-learning and infrastructural facilities. The results were compiled by the IQAC and shared with the Principal and Management of the College. Actions were taken on the basis of suggestions put forth by the faculty.



Student Satisfaction Survey 

A questionnaire to ascertain the satisfaction among students on teaching-learning has been circulated through the mail id of the students.


IQAC WORKSHOPS 2019 – 2020

1. One Day State Level Workshop on NAAC Regulations: A Holistic Approach

A One Day State Level Workshop on NAAC Regulations: A Holistic Approach was organised on 12th October 2019 on the topics: NAAC Assessment & Accreditation Process and Quality Indicator Framework. The resource persons were Dr. Devender S Kawday, Deputy Advisor, NAAC and Dr. V. Pandiyarajan, Former Principal, Ayya Nadar Janaki  Ammal College, Sivakasi. They gave a comprehensive picture of the key indicators of NAAC Assessment.They suggested that the institution could identify Non-applicable Metrics and opt out of them. But they also cautioned that essential metrics could not be opted out from.The resource persons emphasized on a few aspects that would help the HEI score better criterion wise:

Twenty two delegates from 15 HEIs in and around Chennai and ninety three faculty from the college benefitted from the workshop.

2. One day workshop for faculty on Outcome Based Education

A One Day Workshop for Faculty was jointly organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell & the Dean of Academics on 29th July 2019.  Prof. Dr.M.G.Sethuraman, Professor of Chemistry, Gandhigram Rural Institute delivered a lecture on Outcome Based Education.

3. Technical Workshop on MOODLE

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell organised a National Level Technical Workshop on Moodle on 24 January 2020. Dr. Ramesh Chander Sharma, Associate Professor, School of Global Affairs, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar University, Delhi and Mr. Kumar Jaganmaya Jagajeet, Managing Director, Web EraTechnology (P) Ltd, Bhubaneswar, the resource persons for the workshop gave a hands-on training to the participants on Moodle, a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments. Approximately  60 faculty from the College and other colleges benefitted from the workshop.

4. National Workshop on Learning Management System and Open Educational Resources: A Student-Centric Approach

Learning Management System (LMS) has changed the discourse on education across universities, colleges and schools. With the rapid democratization of education several networks of Open Educational Resources are proliferating. Leveraging on this, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell organised a national level workshop on Learning Management System and Open Educational Resources: A Student-Centric Approach on 26th January 2020. The workshop aimed to equip faculty to integrate OERs into an LMS and to weave them into a pedagogical framework of their choosing. Dr. Ramesh Chander Sharma, Associate Professor, School of Global Affairs, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar University, Delhi and Mr. Kumar Jaganmaya Jagajeet, Managing Director, Web Era Technology (P) Ltd, Bhubaneswar educated the participants on diverse aspects of Learning Management System, Open Education Resources and its scope in higher education. The workshop brought together around 350 faculty from within the college and across colleges, at national level.

5. Workshop on NAAC Documentation

A workshop on NAAC Documentation was organised by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell on 27 January 2020. The resource person, Dr.V.Jaisankar, Associate Professor, PG and Research Department of Chemistry, Presidency College explained the intricacies of NAAC accreditation procedure. The workshop gave a clear overview about the Self Study Report, Standard Operating Procedure and documentation needs. The workshop was attended by 100 faculty members of the College.

6. National Level Technical Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights


The National workshop on IPR organised by the IQAC in association with TNSCST on 1stFebruary 2020 was inaugurated by Dr. R. Srinivasan, Member Secretary (TNSCST), Chennai. Dr.Somasekhar S.Hiremath, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Madras, delivered the Special Address. The technical sessions started with the address by Shri.B.Ahilan, Deputy Controller of Patents and Design, Patent office, Chennai who enlightened the audience about the Significance of Intellectual property and Patent System in India. Shri Chinnaraja G Naidu ,Deputy Registrar of Geographical Indications , Head of office -GI Registry ,Chennai addressed the audience on the importance of Geographical Indication (GI) registration, Trademark Registration and their Practices. Ms.Preethi Narayanan, Patent Attorney, Chennai, gave a practical insight to the Tools for Searching Patents. Ms.MalavikaVikram, Advocate & Senior IP Attorney, De Penning & De Penning, Chennai, in the post lunch session, enlightened the audience about the Enforcement of IP. Around eighty three faculty and more than thirtyresearch scholars of Ethiraj College, both from the Aided and Self-Supporting Stream, and Faculty & Research Scholars from other universities participated and benefitted from the workshop.


The IQAC is coordinated by Dr. Rennet Samson ably supported by Dr. Latha Kumari, Dr.N.Lavanya, Dr.G.Gohulavani, Mrs.C. Jayashree, Dr.V.Malathi, Dr.M.Menaka and Mrs.Veena Murali.


70, Ethiraj Salai, Egmore,Chennai 600008, Tamilnadu, India
